
336 eye Eyes and facial contouring   Joey 2018-02-16
Hi, I'd like to get an online consultation for facial surgery.

Is there an email that I can send my pictures to? I don't feel comfortable posting it on here.
 Eyes and facial contouring   Admin 2018-03-10
Hi, I'd like to get an online consultation for facial surgery.

Is there an email that I can send my pictures to? I don't feel comfortable posting it on here.
We apologize for the late reply.

e mail address : realclinicsusie@gmail.com

335 Aging prevention Botox and fillers   Heini 2017-09-28

I'm interested in doing Botox at your clinic.
I'm 28 years old and I have never done Botox

Initially I would like to do my forehead, laugh lines
and V-line.

How much would these injections cost me?

Thank you!

 Botox and fillers   Admin 2017-10-13

I'm interested in doing Botox at your clinic.
I'm 28 years old and I have never done Botox

Initially I would like to do my forehead, laugh lines
and V-line.

How much would these injections cost me?

Thank you!

E-mail has been sent to your e-mail. Thanks.

334 eye 매몰법 쌍카풀 재수술   kaylee 2017-09-21

제가 한 10년 전에 레알에서 매몰법으로 쌍카풀 수술을 하고 또 한 쪽눈이 2년 후 풀려서
재수술을 했는데요, 다른 한쪽 눈이 나이로 인해 (31살)쳐졌고 성명했던 쌍카풀이 더블 폴드로 되었습니다. 전 피부가 얇은 편이라 매몰법으로 충분했는데 피부가 얇은만큼 30대에 들어서
처짐을 피할 수가 없더라고요.혹시 한쪽 눈 재수술과 동시에 이마 실리프팅이나 앞광대 큐오필 상담도 가능한지 문의 드립니다. 그리고 제가 지금 해외에 나와있어 혹시 원장님이랑 영상 통화로 상담이 가능한지도 문의 드립니다.

 매몰법 쌍카풀 재수술   Admin 2017-10-13

제가 한 10년 전에 레알에서 매몰법으로 쌍카풀 수술을 하고 또 한 쪽눈이 2년 후 풀려서
재수술을 했는데요, 다른 한쪽 눈이 나이로 인해 (31살)쳐졌고 성명했던 쌍카풀이 더블 폴드로 되었습니다. 전 피부가 얇은 편이라 매몰법으로 충분했는데 피부가 얇은만큼 30대에 들어서
처짐을 피할 수가 없더라고요.혹시 한쪽 눈 재수술과 동시에 이마 실리프팅이나 앞광대 큐오필 상담도 가능한지 문의 드립니다. 그리고 제가 지금 해외에 나와있어 혹시 원장님이랑 영상 통화로 상담이 가능한지도 문의 드립니다.

쌍꺼풀 매몰법수술은 머리카락보다 가는실로 묶어놓는 수술로써 눈을 깜빡거리는 과정,붓고 가라앉고 ,비비는 과정으로 인해 매몰되어있는 실이 느슨해지면서 풀릴수 있습니다.
늘어진 피부여유분이 많다면 절개법 쌍꺼풀수술을 통해 좀더 가볍고 시원스러워져 보일수 있으며 상태확인후 다시한번 매몰수술이 가능하실수도 있습니다.
김수신선생님과 영상통화상담은 어려우시고 내원하시어 문의하신 이마거상술,필러시술 가능여부 상담받아보시길 권유해드립니다.
병원으로 전화주셔서 내원상담예약 부탁드립니다.

333 A peaceful sleep outline facial contouring   Chiara 2017-06-09


I would like to have facial contouring and eye surgery in July but I would need a 5.5 tube for general anesthesia as I have a narrowed airway from laryngeal surgery. Could you check if this is possible with your anesthesiologist? Thanks!
 facial contouring   Admin 2017-06-20


I would like to have facial contouring and eye surgery in July but I would need a 5.5 tube for general anesthesia as I have a narrowed airway from laryngeal surgery. Could you check if this is possible with your anesthesiologist? Thanks!

We have equipment for some patient like you.However,you would go under general anesthesia therefore you need to have physical examination done in order to have the surgery.
If you have specific date and time for a consultation and your surgery ,please let us know in advance so that we could make an appointment.

Thank you.

332 eye Double Eyelid Surgery   Jennifer 2017-04-10

I have Ptosis (안검하수) and I would like to get double eyelid surgery. I would like to know what type of surgery would be the best for me. Whether incisional or non-incisional surgery would suit me and which one would be better. I am planning to go to Korea early June. How long should I plan to stay in Korea before leaving? Also how much should I expect to pay for the surgery and are there any other additional fees?
 Double Eyelid Surgery   Admin 2017-06-20

I have Ptosis (안검하수) and I would like to get double eyelid surgery. I would like to know what type of surgery would be the best for me. Whether incisional or non-incisional surgery would suit me and which one would be better. I am planning to go to Korea early June. How long should I plan to stay in Korea before leaving? Also how much should I expect to pay for the surgery and are there any other additional fees?

The surgery,exact method and the cost can be provided after the face to face consultation. Dr.Kim would need to have face to face consultation for more information and the suitable surgeries to suggest.
The estimate cost is about $1,500~ 2,500 USD and there is additional 10% VAT.

We recommend our customer who have double eyelid surgery stay 5days in Korea.

Thank you.